My Special Friends


~ Special Friends ~


~ Lady Elina ~

I met Lady Elina when I first joined the Garden of Friendship in February 2004.  I joined the Guestbook Committee where she was the leader.  I was instantly drawn to her gentleness, fairness and compassion to everyone she came in contact with.  I admire this talented lady tremendously, value her friendship very much and love her tender heart.  Click on the graphic below to visit her beautiful site...

~ Sunnie ~

On 4/2/06, I was notified that my dear friend, Sunnie had selected the Iris in the GOF's flower garden to represent me.  What does it say about the Iris? 

The iris stands tall, beautiful and elegant, almost as if watching over the Garden. If you would like to thank a Garden friend for some help they may have given you or if you would like to convey your complete trust in a Garden friend, the Iris may be a wonderful way to express it.

Captured by Sunnie on 4/1/06

Reason for Capture: Kricket is the reason for my present ear to ear grin.   Her kindness is the principal reason I got my web site up for my daughter's Angel Date/Birthday on March 24, 2006.  God bless this earth Angel Kricket.  I trust her with my heart and soul.  With all my love ~ Sunnie

Thank you, Sunnie for the compliment and most of all for your friendship ~ Kricket ~

~ Alita ~

Alita selected the Petunia in GOF's flower garden to represent me.  What does it say about the Petunia?

Petunia is strong and colorful, but is usually blooming in a group. A team player and selfless so the whole Garden is beautiful? Beautiful alone, but makes the whole group shine!

Captured by Alita on 4/2/06

Reason for Capture:  Kricket has an endearing way about her, always finding the best in people and always lending a hand where needed. She is indeed an asset to not only members individually, but to the WHOLE Garden. TY Kricket for being you!
~ Alita ~

Dear Alita, Thank you for your confidence in me and especially for the gift of your friendship!!  ~ Kricket ~

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