~ Garden of Friendship ~ Guestbook Committee


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Guestbook Committee

January 2005

The Guestbook Committee was the first committee that I joined when I became a member of the Garden of Friendship in February 2004.

 In August 2004, I was offered the position of ACL (assistant committee leader) and in January 2005 I was promoted to CL (committee leader).  I will always have a tender spot in my heart for the Guestbook Committee due to Lady Elina who was my CL when I first came onboard and also due to all the wonderful committee members that I have worked with. 



Below are various gifts that I received while being a member of the Guestbook Committee and I'm proud to display them here.
Thank You!!

GB Committee Excellence Award
I received this beautiful award from the Guestbook Committee Leader.
I think this is beautiful and I was very excited to receive it. Thank you, Lady Elina.


GB Appreciation Award

A Gift from DeeLight

GB Committee Dedication Plaque



A Gift from Stargazer

View Sign


Kricket's Korner
